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PorchLight is a Family Justice Center (FJC) that provides comprehensive legal, emotional and critical supportive services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, abuse of at-risk individuals, elder abuse, and human trafficking. The center is centrally located in Jefferson County, Colorado. The FJC is a safe, caring environment that provides one-stop services and support. Key local government agencies, law enforcement, community, social and legal service providers, and the 1st Judicial District Attorney's Offices are located on-site at PorchLight to make it easier for victims and survivors to get help. We strive to offer our community a kind-hearted, victim-centered home where victims, survivors, and their children come first as they work through the healing process.

We are a national coalition of more than 100,000 survivor parents and concerned citizens in the United States advocating for evidence-based policies which put child safety and risks at the forefront of child custody decisions.​We believe it is a child’s human right to live free from abuse and that child safety, which is implicit in the law, must be made the top priority in practice, in all private custody decision-making. Click below for more info!
Mothers Against Court Ordered Abuse
National Family Violence Center
The Effects of Children's Exposure to Domestic Violence by Nancy Fingerhood
The Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence
Get Maralee's BEST SELLER book for FREE with an Audible subscription! Or purchase a paperback copy below.
This powerful documentary about a mother and daughter's tragic involvement with the judicial system reveals the last taboo and a crime that needs the public's attention and emphasizes the need for training in the dynamics of maltreatment so that no more mothers have to suffer what happened to Maralee and her daughter.

Maralee's Book
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