This piece was submitted to our 100K STORIES PROJECT by an anonymous writer.

In April 2014, when my daughter Jasmijn was 10 years old, she was brutally and unlawfully deported from The Netherlands to her father “Dave” in Marin County, California despite expert evidence of abuse, molestation and neglect, despite the fact that he admitted to the court that he has a severe drug addiction to heroin and cocaine and despite the fact that he had been diagnosed with narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders.
Her father, with whom she has not lived since she was 1 year old, holds her hostage at an undisclosed location, demanding money. He terminated all contact on May 9th, 2015, thereby breaking all court orders.
Not only have I been bankrupted trying to fight this in Marin County Superior Court, Judge Wood has threatened me that if I were to pursue a custody trial she would make sure I would lose it, I would never see Jasmijn again and she would seize my mother’s assets in The Netherlands (of which there are none). Judge Adams ruled that she allows the father to get away with breaking her own court orders and is not willing to investigate the matter through a 3118 child sexual abuse investigation and drug testing of the father. I have started studying California Family Law to fight back as a self-represented litigant from The Netherlands. By filing Contempt against the father I finally got Judge Adams to enforce Skype contact. After a total of 564 days without a sign of life I finally had Skype with Jasmijn on November 22nd, 2016. The father is now facing jail time and serious fines for criminal custodial interference. The trial date is February 22, 2017 and I will go up against the father’s 2 attorneys and the infamous Judge Adams. The countdown is on! Stay tuned and a HUGE thank you to the thousands of FREE JASMIJN supporters from all over the world! Together we will get her home!
How in the world could any of this have happened? If you really want to know the truth then please visit WWW.FREEJASMIJN.COM.
Judicial child trafficking to abusive fathers is happening to an estimated 2 million Protective Mothers in the U.S.A. and to an estimated 8 million Protective Mothers worldwide in a pandemic called Mommicide. Interviews with Protective Mothers, Stolen Kids and activists can be found on HELL IS FOR CHILDREN.
Updates can always be found on the website HTTP://WWW.FREEJASMIJN.COM/.